Ziegelstein By Vivid Pyrotechnics 120 Shot Cake Firework
Ziegelstein By Vivid Pyrotechnics 120 Shot Cake Firework
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Vivid Pyrotechnics
Ziegelstein By Vivid Pyrotechnics 120 Shot Cake Firework
One of the most anticipated fireworks of 2023 in the pyro community is this monster Ziegelstein. Filling the sky, this z-firing behemoth fires 120 x 30mm max bore tubes producing huge gold brocade mines to brocade crowns above entwined with glittering silver stars in a double Z-firing sweep before a volley of the same 10 shots wide! The same pattern follows but this time with gold brocade mines with red strobe stars with rising red tails to gold brocade crown and red glitter followed by the same with green glitter and rising tails before a triple volley of gold rising turbillions tails twising through the sky to burst as ti gold crowns and deep gold brocades. I really can’t wait to see one of these in the flesh!
The video gives a great dual view. One close up filmed at about 25 meters and one filmed from further away at about 100 meters.

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