Bloodshot - 139 Shot Single Ignition Firework
Bloodshot - 139 Shot Single Ignition Firework
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Bloodshot - 139 Shot Single Ignition Firework
Straight firing red tails to gold brocade glitter and red blink, green tails to gold crown which change to a unique white tip, a new and unusual effect followed by a Z-firing double sweep of blue tails to gold brocade and blue and a fanned volley of gold and red are followed by more of the new unique gold to silver effect with lots of deep red stars fired in a V formation. BloodShot continues with more gold, blue, red and crackling effects before the most amazing double W firing volleys of huge turbillion tails to ti-radium salutes and red blink stars. This spectacular grand finale sends sparkles cascading up into the sky for a truly majestic ending to the show. Prepare to be amazed!

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